Stringers Gallery

Arts Centres, Craft Centres & Shops

Stringers Gallery

94 East Street, Petworth, West Sussex, GU28 0AB  (Show me directions)

01798 3...Landline    Landline   



Stringers Gallery is in East Street, part of the main route through the ancient town of Petworth, just a few steps away from historic Petworh House and Park. The Gallery is part of a beautiful 17th Century house that is one of the top ten places to see in Petworth.

The Gallery is run by Leslie Martin, Leslie is a self taught artist who's parents wanted him to be a precision engineer.

He say's he was always happy to sit down with paper and pencil and draw all manner of things, "anything to hand really. "I once raised a Tawny Owl from a chick and drew that many times. But I don't just draw things I tell stories about them."

We provide a service to artists and art groups, and carry a good range of fine artist's quality and student grade art supplies, and surfaces. We stock canvases and ready made frames, and make stretched canvas to order.


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